48 research outputs found

    Miltä koulunkäynti näyttää vanhempien näkökulmasta. Kyselytutkimus vanhemmille.

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää, vanhempien mielipiteitä siitä, miten joustava perusopetus Kotkassa on vaikuttanut heidän nuorensa elämään ja koulunkäyntiin ja millaisia muutoksia vanhemmat ovat nuorissaan huomanneet koulun aikana ja koulun päättymisen jälkeen. Opinnäytetyö kuuluu Voi hyvin nuori -hankkeeseen, sen tarkoituksena on selvittää nuorten hyvinvointia suomessa. Opinnäytetyö tehtiin kyselytutkimuksella, joka toteutettiin postikyselynä. Lomakkeita lähetettiin 70, vastauksia tuli muistutuskirjeen jälkeen 20. Vastausprosentti oli 28. Lomake sisälsi monivalintakysymyksiä sekä muutamia avoimia kysymyksiä. Kyselylomakkeen monivalintakysymykset analysoitiin SPSS - tilastointiohjelmalla ja avoimet kysymyksen induktiivisella sisällön analyysilla. Tutkimuksen tuloksista selvisi, että suurimpia syitä Topparoikka kouluun siirtymiselle olivat luvattomat poissaolot, keskittymisvaikeudet, levottomuus sekä kiistat kotona. Mielenterveysongelmilla sekä rikoksilla ei ollut merkitystä siirtoon. Huomattiin, että tällä hetkellä Topparoikka- koulua käyvien nuorten kouluongelmien selvittely kotona oli vähentynyt, sekä nuorten motivaatio oli noussut. Myös oppimis- ja keskittymisvaikeudet olivat vähentyneet. Vanhemmat olivat hyvin kiitollisia nuorisoryhmän toiminnasta ja toivoivat tällaisia mahdollisuuksia lisää nuorille, joille on tullut seinä vastaan.The purpose of the present Bachelor´s thesis was to study parents´ opinions of how the school of flexible basic education in Kotka has affected the lives and studying of their youngsters. What kind of changes have parents discovered in them, both when they have been studying and after the termination of school? The graduate thesis is part of the project called Voi hyvin nuori (Wellbeing among Youngsters), and its objective is to study young people´s wellbeing in Finland. In composing the thesis, a postal enquiry was used. A total of 70 questionnaires were sent out, and 20 responses were received, after a reminder. Thus, the response rate was 28 %. Our questionnaire contained multiple choice questions and some open questions. The multiple choice questions were analysed with the SPSS statistical programme and the open questions by using inductive content analysis. The findings of the study revealed that the primary reasons for being transferred to Topparoikka school were truancy, concentration problems, restlessness and quarrels at home. Mental health problems or crimes were not linked to transfers. It was noticed that youngsters, who at the moment studied at Topparoikka school more seldom discussed their school difficulties at home, and that their motivation improved up. Learning and concentration problems had also diminished. Parents were very grateful for the work of the youht group and wished for such opportunities for young people who had been up agaist to a brick wall

    Työterveysyhteistyö 2000-luvulla -kirjallisuuskatsaus suomalaisista julkaisuista

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    Työterveysyhteistyöllä tarkoitetaan työnantajan, työntekijöiden ja työterveyshuollon suunnitelmallista ja tavoitteellista yhteistyötä työntekijän työhyvinvoinnin tukemiseksi. Tämän artikkelin tavoitteena on tarkastella työterveysyhteistyöhön liittyvää suomalaista kirjallisuutta, joka on julkaistu ajanjaksolla 1/2000–9/2017. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa haettiin vastauksia seuraaviin kysymyksiin: 1. Mistä muodostuu toimiva työterveysyhteistyö? 2. Minkä kontekstien näkökulmista työterveysyhteistyöstä on tutkittu ja ketkä ovat tiedonantajina? 3. Millä menetelmillä työterveysyhteistyötä on tutkittu? Kirjallisuuskatsaus on kuvaileva ja integroiva. Julkaisuja haettiin useista tietokannoista (Medic, Arto, Melinda), julkaisuiden lähdeviitteistä sekä asiantuntijoiden kautta. Katsaukseen hyväksyttiin tieteelliset (12) ja vertaisarvioimattomat (32) tutkimukset, joten analysoitava aineisto muodostui 44 julkaisusta. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen mukaan 1) toimiva työterveysyhteistyö on tavoitteellista ja se perustuu työpaikan tarpeisiin. Työterveysyhteistyöllä työterveystoiminnan tulisi kiinnittyä osaksi työpaikan strategiaa ja toimintaa. Toimivan työterveysyhteistyön edellytyksenä on säännöllinen, aktiivinen ja luottamuksellinen vuorovaikutus sekä sovitut roolit ja vastuut. 2) Työterveysyhteistyötä oli tutkittu yhteistyön, työterveyshuollon ja työpaikan näkökulmista. Julkaisuissa käsiteltiin yhteistyökäytäntöjen arviointia, kehittämistä sekä yhteistyön sujuvuuteen liittyvien tekijöiden kuvaamista. Työterveyshuollon näkökulmasta käsiteltiin pääosin työterveyshuollon toiminnan arviointia ja työterveysyhteistyön kehittämistä osana työterveyshuollon prosesseja. Työpaikan näkökulmasta kuvattiin työpaikan odotuksia ja kokemuksia yhteistyöstä. 3) Tutkimusmenetelmät olivat pääosin laadullisia sekä monimenetelmällisiä. Katsaus osoittaa, että toimiva työterveysyhteistyö perustuu yleisiin yhteistyöhön liittyviin tekijöihin. Tieteellisten tutkimusten vähäinen määrä ja kuvaileva ote osoittavat, että tarvitaan lisätietoa siitä, mistä toimiva työterveysyhteistyö koostuu

    Synovial fluid detection in intra-articular injections using a bioimpedance probe (BIP) needle-a clinical study

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    Intra-articular glucocorticoid injections are the recommended treatment for active arthritis, but accurate positioning of the needle may be challenging. Inexperienced physicians might decide not to inject because an unsuccessful injection impairs clinical outcome and may lead to complications; however, choosing not to inject may impair or delay the best possible treatment. Here, we address this problem by introducing a novel Bioimpedance Probe (BIP) Needle-guidance method that was tested in a clinical study. The BIP Needle was utilized for detection of synovial fluid. It measures real-time bioimpedance spectra and identifies when the needle tip is in contact with the synovial fluid. Injections into 80 joints with active arthritis were performed by an experienced rheumatologist using the BIP Needle. The location of the BIP Needle was ensured by aspiration of synovial fluid, absence of resistance during injection, and/or using real-time ultrasound imaging. Sensitivity and specificity of the device for synovial fluid detection were 86 % (CI 75-93 %) and 85 % (CI 74-92 %), respectively. The BIP Needles showed high spatial resolution and differentiated the synovial fluid from the surrounding tissues. However, lack of synovial fluid, anatomic variability, and intra-articular structures challenged the technology. The BIP Needles provided adequate results in intra-articular injections. Performance of the device was good even in small joints, which may be the most difficult for inexperienced physicians. Further performance improvement can be expected when more data is collected for mathematical models. Overall, this novel method showed potential to be used in real-time needle guidance.Peer reviewe

    Contexts of sedentary time and physical activity among ageing workers and recent retirees : Cross-sectional GPS and accelerometer study

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 BioMed Central Ltd.. All rights reserved.Objectives We examined sedentary time and physical activity in different contexts among ageing workers, between their workdays and days off, and recent retirees, between their weekdays and weekend days. Design Cross-sectional study. Setting Finnish Retirement and Aging study and Enhancing physical activity and healthy ageing among recent retirees - Randomised controlled in-home physical activity trial. Participants 137 workers (544 measurement days) and 53 retirees (323 days), who provided data for at least 1 workday/weekday and 1 day off/weekend day. Primary and secondary outcome measures Physical activity behaviour was measured with a combined Global Positioning System and accelerometer device (SenseDoc V.2.0), providing information on sedentary time, light physical activity and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) by locations (home or non-home) and trips (active travel, ie, speed 0.05). Regardless of the day, retirees accumulated 33 min of daily MVPA, of which 14 min was accrued during active travel. Conclusions Workers accumulated more MVPA on days off than on workdays, and their activity behaviour varied between workdays and days off at different locations. Our results showed that a large proportion of the MVPA was accumulated during travel at slower speeds, which suggests that active travel could be a feasible way to increase MVPA among older adults. Trial registration number NCT03320746.Peer reviewe

    Traumatic lumbar punctures in diagnostic and intrathecal treatment punctures of pediatric hemato-oncology patients

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    Successful first diagnostic lumbar puncture (LP) is crucial because intrathecal chemotherapy has not yet protected the central nervous system against cancer cells. If blood contaminates the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) with blasts, they may enter the central neural system and compromise the patient's health. We retrospectively determined the incidence of traumatic lumbar punctures (TLP) in 2,507 LPs of 250 pediatric hemato-oncology patients aged from one to 18 years, including both diagnostic and intrathecal treatment procedures, and 2,617 LPs of 1,525 other age-matched pediatric patients. We used >= 10 erythrocytes/mu L in the CSF sample as the criterion of TLP. TLPs were less frequent in hemato-oncology patients than in other patients (31.6% vs. 48.5%, p < 0.0001). The incidence of TLP was significantly lower in the first diagnostic LP than in subsequent intrathecal treatment LPs (20.5% vs. 31.6%, p = 0.0046). According to logistic regression analysis, the odds of TLP was 1.6-fold if the LP procedure was not performed in the hemato-oncology department. The odds of the patient's next LP being traumatic were threefold if the previous first LP was traumatic. A week or less time between the first and next LP tripled the odds of TLP as well. The patient's age category was not significantly associated with the incidence of TLP. Given the risks of TLP, hemato-oncology patients' first diagnostic LP should include administration of chemotherapy, as generally recommended, and be performed under general anesthesia or deep sedation by an experienced physician to optimize not only the success of the first LP procedure but also following procedures

    Real-time detection of cerebrospinal fluid with bioimpedance needle in paediatric lumbar puncture

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    Background Lumbar puncture is a common clinical procedure that can occasionally be difficult. Various needle guidance methods can facilitate performing this procedure, but at the expense of special expertise, equipment and facility. In the present study, we evaluated the clinical feasibility of a novel bioimpedance needle system regarding its ability to detect cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in paediatric lumbar punctures.Methods We performed 40 lumbar puncture procedures using the bioimpedance needle system in 37 paediatric patients, aged from 0 days to 17 months, as a part of their prescribed examinations in two university hospitals. The bioimpedance needle is similar to a conventional 22G cutting-edge spinal needle with a stylet, except the needle and stylet are configured as a bipolar electrode with high spatial resolution. The system measures in real-time when the needle tip reaches the subarachnoid space containing CSF. The procedure was considered successful when the erythrocyte count was determined from the obtained CSF sample.Results Subarachnoid space was verifiably reached in 28 out of 40 procedures (70%). Bioimpedance needle system detected CSF in 23 out of these 28 successful procedures (82%) while failed in 3 out of 28 procedures (11%). No adverse events were reported.Conclusion Bioimpedance spinal needle system was found clinically feasible in paediatric lumbar punctures, and it may offer an objective and simple means to detect the time point when the needle tip is in contact with the cerebrospinal fluid.</div

    Moral psychology of nursing robots : Exploring the role of robots in dilemmas of patient autonomy

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    Artificial intelligences (AIs) are widely used in tasks ranging from transportation to healthcare and military, but it is not yet known how people prefer them to act in ethically difficult situations. In five studies (an anthropological field study, n = 30, and four experiments, total n = 2150), we presented people with vignettes where a human or an advanced robot nurse is ordered by a doctor to forcefully medicate an unwilling patient. Participants were more accepting of a human nurse's than a robot nurse's forceful medication of the patient, and more accepting of (human or robot) nurses who respected patient autonomy rather than those that followed the orders to forcefully medicate (Study 2). The findings were robust against the perceived competence of the robot (Study 3), moral luck (whether the patient lived or died afterwards; Study 4), and command chain effects (Study 5; fully automated supervision or not). Thus, people prefer robots capable of disobeying orders in favour of abstract moral principles like valuing personal autonomy. Our studies fit in a new era in research, where moral psychological phenomena no longer reflect only interactions between people, but between people and autonomous AIs.Peer reviewe